Looking big to see small.

We inherently see differently because we simply prepare and operate differently. Instead of reactively responding to market-provided possibilities, we proactively survey and analyze entire markets for what we want, then we seek out the best opportunities.

So why the name “Patagon”? Much like the towering giants that once roamed the southern regions of South America, we too are a bit different. Legends of the “big footed” giant people “enchanted European imaginations for many years (1),” and like them, we generally aren’t that different from most developers except that we take a larger view and see clearer. Instead of finding land and then deciding what to do with it, we already know what we want and seek out the best spots. Simply put, our elevated vantage point allows us to see better opportunities.

Amongst our team, we have experience and background in Accounting, Information Systems, Architecture, Banking/Federal Reserve, Finance, Appraising, Market Analysis, Design, Construction, Brokering, and Real Estate Development. And there’s just three of us!


Correspond with us.


While we primarily go about it ourselves, we are always willing to chat.